Interstitial Cystitis (IC) or Painful Bladder Syndrome (PBS) is considered to be a chronic overlapping pain condition. It is common, and affects up to 12 million people in the United States alone....
Connected by Design: Exploring the Relationship of Your Foot, Jaw, and Pelvic Floor
This might come as a surprise, but your jaw and your feet both have connections with your pelvic floor! Today we will explore some of the ways that these areas interact with each other. Let’s start...
Navigating the 4th Trimester: How Pelvic Floor Therapy SupportsPostpartum Healing
Today we will be highlighting postpartum care and recovery during the “4th Trimester.” Postpartum care is more commonly utilized now to help new moms recover from pregnancy and delivery, whether...
Empowering Men’s Health
Empowering Men’s Health: Celebrating Men’s Health Month with Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy In addition to celebrating Pride Month, we are also bringing attention to men’s health for Men’s Health...
Embracing Inclusivity: Celebrating Pride Month and Pelvic Health
Happy Pride Month! At Treasure Valley Pelvic Health, we are proud to celebrate and support the diversity and strength of the LGBTQIA+ community. Pride Month symbolizes love, acceptance, and...
Pain-Free Passion: Your Guide to Overcoming Painful Intercourse with Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy
Today we are delving into another topic that affects many people, but is often overlooked. Pain during intercourse, known as dyspareunia, refers to persistent or recurrent pain experienced during...
Shedding Light on Pelvic Pain: Empowering Awareness through Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy
May is Pelvic Pain Awareness month! We are dedicating today’s blog to shedding light on a condition that affects 1-in-7 women and 1-in-10 men. At Treasure Valley Pelvic Health (TVPH), we are...
Nurturing Your Body: Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy After a C-Section
April is C-Section Awareness Month! Did you know that pelvic floor physical therapy isn’t just for vaginal deliveries, but is beneficial post cesarean birth too?! If you have seen our social media,...
What is the Role of a Doula?
Doulas can play an important role in birth but not everyone is familiar with what exactly they do for the couple and how they can support everyone involved. For those who want to know more about...
Pride Month & Pelvic Health
As we embrace the vibrant spirit of Pride Month, it's essential to shine a light on the holistic well-being of the LGBTQIA+ community. While Pride Month symbolizes love, acceptance, and equality, it...